Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Cold That Keeps on Giving

As some of you may know, my husband Drew and I are signed up to run in Bloomsday this year and though our training started just a few short weeks ago, we are definitely making some progress. Due to past knee injuries, Drew hasn't run more than a couple miles for a very long time. So we started out slow. I knew that we had given ourselves plenty of time to build up the miles. What I hadn't counted on was getting massive cramping in my calf in week three. "It's okay", I tried to encourage myself, "I built time into the training for this sort of thing and it will be fine". (If you haven't already noticed, I'm a planner and I don't like getting off schedule!) That was last week and after missing a good two days of running, the painful spasming went away. Saturday morning rolls around and I'm feeling alright. Three miles later I'm feeling great, okay I can do this! Then Saturday afternoon hit me, literally. I started getting a mild sore throat, but didn't think it was that big of a deal. After all, I had just attended a very emotional memorial service and thought it was probably all the crying I did. "It'll go away" I told myself, "it's nothing to worry about". Saturday night comes around and my sore throat is still there, along with some congestion in my head and a runny nose. That night only got worse. I hardly slept, I probably blew my nose 50 times, drank gallons of water, popped some vitamin c and my symptoms would not go away, they didn't even seem to lessen! I didn't go to church on Sunday, which is not something I usually skip unless I have a really good reason. Sunday afternoon seemed to get better and then Monday rolled around. I was feeling better so I went to work (I hate missing work). No sooner than I got to work that I realized that it was a mistake. I stuck it out for a few hours and left early. Came home and went directly to bed, which is where I stayed for the rest of the day and all of the next. I was supposed to run yesterday, didn't. I thought about going today, again I didn't. Tomorrow is a possibility, but we'll see. I've been getting really frustrated that I can seem to stay on schedule with my runs. <Insert disappointed sigh>

What is the point to all my rambling you may ask? Well, I'll tell you.

Like I said before, I'm a big planner. I like things to be organized. I come up with something that I think is a pretty good plan and then I (sometimes) remember God has a better one. Over the last few months I have been doing a Bible study on "Breaking Free". I am finding that I get caught up in what Beth Moore calls "captivity of activity", I'm constantly needing to be busy. I often forget to just be quiet before Him and listen to His Word. I've yet to see what His plan was in all of this, but I have a feeling God is trying to tell me to rest in Him, something I am not very good at doing. I've had several hours over the last few days to "rest" and think about slowing down and saving more time to spend with my Savior, I would encourage you to do the same.

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