Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Diet. That Nasty Four Letter Word

First of all, let me clarify something. Diet is a bad word. I've always believed the word carried a negative connotation on its back. It started out being perfectly innocent and then slowly morphed into something not so nice.You say the word diet to me and I will most likely cringe. If somebody tells me they are on a diet and asks my opinion about it, I usually ask them, "Is it something you can do for the rest of your life? If it's not, you are wasting your time". Now, I understand cutting back on certain food items that may be a adding a few pounds, I get that. What I don't get is somebody totally revamping what they are eating only for a designated time just so they can lose the unwanted poundage. What is going to happen when you start eating the same way you did before? Yep, all the weight comes right back on. It all comes down to this: if you don't change those habits that are making you fat, your fat is going to stick to you like glue. Yuck! This is the personal trainer starting to coming out of me, all it takes is one step at a time. So start setting some goals!

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